American Commons Media

Cooperatively Managed Resources are the Foundation for More Resilient Communities

American Commons Media is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to exploring the social and economic histories of American communities who have been marginalized or are invisible in the standard historical narratives. Our work is bringing these stories into the larger national conversation by way of film and digital media. We focus on the histories of traditional resource commons, emerging resource commons, and other forms of communal and cooperative economies in the United States. We believe community-based resource management is a key to resiliency in the face of climate change and the disasters that arise from it. Additionally, we assist contemporary digital media commons to better connect rural communities and provide the means for people to share their ideas and stories with the world.

We work closely with Collaborative Visions of Mora, building and operating Mora Media Commons – a film and digital media training and remote work center in Mora, New Mexico. larger national conversation by way of film and digital media.

American Commons Media is based in Mora, New Mexico, with offices in Santa Fe, NM and Asheville, NC.

Honoring Long Man is funded and produced solely with private donations. Please donate and help us continue this project and see it to completion. Everyone who donates will receive a “Thanks to” credit in the final cut. We’ll give “Special Thanks to” credit to supporters giving $100 or more, “Associate Producer” credit for gifts of $1,000 up, and “Executive Producer” credit for a donation of $10,000+


Works in Progress:

  • Mora is Burning: Fire, Flood and Disaster in Northern New Mexico
  • Honoring Long Man
  • The Mora Empowerment Project: The Making of a 21st Century Commons
  • The Road of the Dead: The Hawk’s Nest Tunnel Tragedy and Modern Memory


Digital Media and Learning Experiences

We are working with Collaborative Visions/Visiones Colaborativas of Mora, NM build the Mora Media Commons – a film and digital media training and remote work center, and help gather stories to create a digital archive and educational tools for their communities and their future.


We work with communities to build shared resources, creating their own knowledge commons

American Commons Media is proud to be working with La Voz de Mora, a volunteer news and media group in Mora, NM. We are providing technical assistance and support as La Voz launches Magazine Moreno – an online community news channel.

Volunteer Today

American Commons Media works to create opportunities in film and media for folks living in rural communities. Drop us a note to learn about our current projects and how you may be able to help.

Donate to ACM

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